Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts

This video really does make sense.  As a future teacher, using all thedifferent technology really does make learning a whole lot more fun as tcompared to pen and paper.  Just like adding music, or crafts to your learning to get your students attention.  I think it is best that the teacher's are not perfect and there is room for mistakes.  I think that makes a teacher a better teacher, learning from their mistakes as well as students.  Being apart of technology is a way for students to explore their imagination way beyond then just if they had pencil and paper.  Giving my students the opportunity to have a little bit of freedom and me not being up at the front constantly teaching.  They will be able to explore and teach themselves.I think it is very important to have technology in the classroom.  It is a fun and very productive eay to get students to learn and explore all the things in life and the importance of learning and having an education is.

Effects of Social Media On Jobs


This article discusses the negative effects on how social networks effect people from getting jobs or not.  A teen was trying to get work experience for a job.  When he went in, they took a look at all of his social networks to see what kind of person he really was.  When they saw one comment with violent language and talking negatively, they no longer wanted him.  That's all it takes is one little comment or one little statement to mess up your chances in getting a job.  "Please be aware that your entries on social media reflect on you, and that potential employers do take them into account when considering your interest. Responsibility does matter." is what an MP said to the teen who was trying to get a job.  Your twitter, facebook, and other social networks really do come into effect when getting a professional job.
I really do believe that the social networking does have a huge effect when getting a job or being apart of any professional organization because when you become apart of something, you then are a part of that company, or group.  So when they look at your social networks, they will not only judge you they will be judging your company or group.  Whatever company is wanting you, wants you to be preseantable not only for yourself but to everyone.


This article discusses if social networking does help with real relationships.  There is two people who just happened to add each other as friends from knowing each other back in middle school.  When they got to talking and chatting they realized how much they had in common and grew to like each other more and more and developed a real relationship. 
i really do believe that relationships can kindle through social networks but then again, sometimes it could be really dangerous.  I'd say if at all possible to avoid having relationships with people through the internet.  People can be the total opposute in person compared to who they are on the internet.  If you happen to be that lucky one to find your soul mate then go for it.  I wish I actually knew of someone who gained a real healthy relationship with someone through the internet, but I do not.  To me, internet dating and relationships are just too sketchy and not real trustworthy unless you actually already know that person. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

About Me

I am Kyleigh Bennett.  I am 20 years old and attending Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, AR.  I was born and grew up in Benton, AR.  I graduated high school in 2011.  I have two older sisters Genny (32) and Vikki (26), and little brother, Timmy (14).  I am also an aunt to a beautiful little girl, Emma (7) and little boy, Isaac (8 months).  My favorite things to do are to play any kind of sports and to be active.  I love to paint and draw.  I really enjoy having my "me time" so I paint and draw to relieve stress.  I absolutely love being around children.  Growing up and taking care of my little siblings has made me desire to be a teacher and take care of children.  While at Henderson, I am majoring in Early Childhood Education and hope to get my Master's in Special Education.  While being here I have been given the opportunity to work at an after school care and being there I have met very special kids that have just sparked my interest and got me wanting to be a Special Educator.I am starting this blog to get my word out there and to let people really know who I am and what I am really interested in.  My theme is basically my life and what I am doing to lead up to where I want to go in my future.